History of Leginn Cornmill

An old corn millThe earliest record of the Mill is 1834 when it is recorded on the 6” Ordinance Survey map of the time, although the Mill would have been in existence for some time before this date. The mill was operated by at least 4 generations of the Patterson family, George Patterson 1836, John Patterson 1863, George Patterson 1893 Charles Francis Patterson 1921. Up until 1893 the mill was operated under a lease from the Earl of Enniskillen but it is believed this lease was purchased by George Patterson in 1893.The Mill was subsequently purchased by Johnny Rutledge who operated the Mill for a number of years up until 1963 when it ceased functioning (as did many other mills in Ireland)

In the 1980’s the Mill was purchased by Desmond Willis the present owners father.

The principal function of the Mill was to grind oats and wheat into meal and flower for animal & human consumption. Around 1931 a sawmill was added, this was also powered by water.

Originally the complex of buildings included the Corn Mill (existing), drying kiln, miller’s and kiln man’s cottage and other outbuildings all of which have been removed years ago.

Discover more about the milling process here.